Joachim Sperl
– Illustrations Portfolio

Moving Image

Short history film on the Bauhaus movement

Direction, Design, Animation, Music & Sound: Joachim Sperl Voice: Jenny Dunlop

Promotion trailer ›Bauhaus – Art As Life‹ Exhibition

Direction, Design, Animation, Music & Sound: Joachim Sperl Voice: Jenny Dunlop

Visual Animation für das Iranisches Filmfestival Köln – Visions of Iran.

Design and Animation

OpenEyes Filmfest Marburg Ident 2012

Design and Animation

OpenEyes Filmfest Marburg Title Sequence 2012

Design and Animation

Veranstaltung zum Themenjahr “Wasser” der VHS Köln. Animiertes Banner für Facebook-Postings.

Design and Animation

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